Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 things about Amanda

1. I love to sleep in footie pajamas.
2. I think uggs are very ugly and should not be worn except maybe if you are an Eskimo.
3. Both Mikayla and I own uggs.
4. I would love to go down into the Grand Canyon on a Donkey.
5. I hate ALL sports.
6. In the two years (so far) that my kids have played organized sports, I have yet to watch an entire game. We are talking about really cute little kids playing 45 min. games. I hope they don't go pro.
7. I give my kids, my husband, and myself an allowance each week.
8. I consider grocery shopping a fun outing because a) I love a good bargain b) I get to go by myself and c) I'm a pretty boring person.
9. I love to tell people that my dad is a trapper (most people have no idea that there still is such a thing)
10. I don't like ice in my tea even if it is hot.
11. I can sing every word of the country song "Fancy."
12. I am a terrible housekeeper, however;
13. When I stay in a hotel, I keep the room freakishly neat.
14. My favorite song is "Circle of Friends"
15. I learned how to swim underwater without holding my nose at age 26.
16. I make the best Ding-Dong cake in the world.
17. I don't believe the earth is millions of years old.
18. In less than 9 years of marriage Josh and I have lived in 10 different houses.
19. I read magazines back to front.
20. I could not function in life without spellcheck.
21. Josh and I were on our honeymoon on the one year anniversary of the day we met.
22. I love peel and stick wallpaper boarder.
23. I hate to type.
24. I have one of the worst proposal stories in the world. (Josh says "You said yes so it must not have been THAT bad.")
25.I WAS UNDER THAT SINK! (if you don't know, don't ask)


  1. #11 - I wouldn't brag about it.
    #15 - Literally made me LOL!
    #25 - No freakin' way. :)

  2. Okay-this is a lot of pressure!I've been thinking of 25 things, but so far have come up with nothing. How about my sisters come up with the 25 things for me?.....
    I'll have to say, on Racheal's 25 things there were no surprises. I was a little disappointed that I didn't learn anything new about her, but Amanda's was full of surprises. I need a recipe for that ding dong cake! I also did not know about #15 either.
