Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just Die Already!!!

Let me start by saying that I hate my appliances...almost all of them and some of our electronics, too. We (read me and Jeff by coercion ) try not to replace things just because we want to upgrade but because we really need them. We drive cars that are collectively 16 years old, and I have had the same toaster since before we got married. But whenever I go to Home Depot or Sam's or anywhere that sells appliances, I drool over the new refrigerators, washers, dryers, and more.

So now every time I hear my refrigerator running just a little too loudly, I wish that it would just die already. Jeff does the same thing over the television. The other day, I tried to turn it off, and it changed channels. I told this to Jeff, and we were both excited that it may be nearing it's demise.

I am going to have to break down and replace my dishwasher. It has been intermittently drying for over a year. I have lived with that, but now it is only intermittently washing, so what is the point of having it? As is my luck, they will probably all die at the same time, and I will have to spend $$$ to replace them. Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. Buy a good one. I bought a cheaper dishwasher, and I wish I'd just spent the extra money. BTW, Brett knows how to install one if you need any assistance.
