Monday, January 19, 2009

My Peanut Butter Sandwich Story

One bitterly cold day in December, was it 1980? must have been, 1980, 1980.

My dad still tells the story of the day Renee and I packed his lunch for him when we were little. I cannot tell the story with the same flair and embellishment that Dad would use, but the short version is that we packed him 2 peanut butter sandwiches that were pretty much bread with a tiny smear of PB in the middle. He thinks they were the best and the worst sandwiches ever.

Last Sunday night, after I had packed the backpacks and lunchboxes for the next day, Nathan said, "Mom, what do you want for lunch? I'll pack it for you." I left what to put in it up to him, so he fixed me a PB sandwich (with an appropriate amount of PB in one big glob in the middle of the bread), a bag of chips, and some applesauce. He packed it for me in an Incredible Hulk lunch box complete with an ice pack and a little note. It was definitely my best sandwich ever.


  1. So sweet. On our 10th anniversay Aaron and I went to lunch by ourselves. But at dinner time the boys fixed us hot dogs and brought them into the living room and wished us a happy anniversary. I was still full from lunch, but I ate them anyway and let me just say they were the best hot dogs I've ever had!!

  2. I just had to brag on how sweet my kids are too. A while back the kids watched an episode of "The Berenstain Bears" where Brother and Sister made a Mothers Day breakfest in bed for Mama Bear. The next Saturday they made me stay in bed while they made me breakfest-By theirselves! I ate a peice of cheese, some marshmallows, and a leftover roll. Say what you want but they are creative!
