Sunday, January 18, 2009

Alberta Clipper

If you're not from the Noth East the term Alberta Clipper in the weather forecast might not mean much to you, but if you are then you'll know it usually means snow, lots of snow. That's what we've had this week-snow, lots of snow, and some very low temps. It has been the coldest week of the season. A few days the high was only in the single digits. J's school had a two hour delay on Thursday and was completly canceled Friday. He is also out Monday for MLK and Tuesday for teacher clerical day. The bad part about the 5 or so inches of snow is that the kids can't play in it. We tried to bundle up and go out a few times, but after five minutes we have to come back in because it's just too cold. Today while breaking down church and packing it into the trailer Aaron looked at me and said "It's not cold it's only in the 30's". It's funny when 30 seems warm............The snow is beautiful and peaceful. We plan on staying in and napping this afternoon, going sledding when the kids wake up,then going to a friends house to watch the Steelers!!!!


  1. Are those 4 exclamation points about watching the Steelers? I hope that indicates sarcasm, because if you now like football, I don't even know you anymore!

  2. You know I watched less than 15 minutes of the game. You know better!!! I am excited about them going to the Super Bowl. There is already a buzz around here vendors set up selling Steelers memorabilia (sp?)on every other corner.
