Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Surviving Gustav

The remnants of Hurricane Gustav have arrived in Arkansas. As I am typing this message from the room over our garage, sheets of rain are pelting the house, and the trees are being blown around like you wouldn't believe. (Jeff has already instructed me to keep the kids away from the windows. Safety first!)

I usually park the car and walk to pick Nathan up from school, but today I decided to try the carpool line since it was raining so hard. I got there at 2:17, and was still in line at 2:42! I gave up on the line and found a nearby parking space (which is not always an easy feat at an elementary school with over 800 kids!) and then walked up to get him.

It's supposed to rain all week, so I guess I will have to keep my rain jacket in the car. I apparently do not have the patience for the carpool line! Otherwise, everything is going well with kindergarten. I'm not sure if Nate's learning anything. I ask him everyday if he's learned anything, and usually he says, "Not much". Today they went to the library and had to learn the library rules. Riveting stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Nathan's school was closed yesterday due to power outage. Of course, he was thrilled to skip school! Then our power at home went out yesterday afternoon and hasn't come back on yet. We're making the best of it, but my laundry is piling up fast!
