Monday, April 18, 2011

NYC Renee style

Ok sooooooo you've heard our NY experience according to Racheal now here's my side of the story....

All weekend long I kept track of
The funny things that were said.This is how I will remember NY. I may not remember restaurant names and movie titles (what was the name of that movie we saw? "set point"? IDK?)but we shared some laughs that we will never forget!!

If I had to describe NY in one word it would be "dirty"

"Ain't no paint on the streets in Harlem"

"Highlights for Jesus"

"If you see Queen Latifah you'd better take her picture."

"Ummmmm I love the smell of cigars.....
Me too!!!!"

"It looked like she had a coyote on her back."

"Chewing on my drink over here"

"Thanks for carrying around my medical device"

"Crotch bunnies"

"I will not talk to you, but I'll talk to your friend." (doorman)

Thanks for the memories!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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