Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brandon = Random

In one of my posts last month, I sang the praises of Blurb. It is the software/website that I used to have this blog printed into a hardbound book. I have just about finished my second Blurb blog book (say that 3 times fast!) for 2009-2010 entries. One thing that was not great about the software was the spellchecker. It flagged almost all names and most other proper nouns as misspellings. I thought some of the suggested spellings were funny, so I wrote a few of my favorites down when I was spellchecking the second book. (Yes, I'm aware that I'm a total dork.)

Brandon = Random (so true!)
Mikayla = Milky (actually, she has the darkest complexion of any of us)
Racheal = Tracheal (this helped Jeff learn how to spell my weird name)
Amanda = Armada
Ashley = Rashly
Tyler = Styler
Mandi = Mandril
Brett = Biretta
Brooke = Broke
Sean = Sedan
Branson = Ransom
Pomfret = Procreate (LOL! My college dorm-I'm sure some of this went on there.)

Just thought I would share a little something funny on this dreary Sunday afternoon.

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