Monday, January 10, 2011

The Big Snow

Yet again, the weathermen were wrong about the snowfall totals in central Arkansas, but this time we actually got MORE than predicted -- 6 inches!! The most surprising part is that it was all snow and not "wintery mix".

This was Lucy's first snow, and she LOVED it! She's really made for this kind of weather. One quick shake, and most of the snow is gone from her coat. I tried to get a cute picture of her, but she was uncooperative as usual. I took these last night when we had a couple of inches on the ground:

For the first time, Ashley actually enjoyed playing in the snow! She outlasted Nathan this morning! Here are some pictures of my little snow angels. I use the term loosely because they've not exactly been angels lately. In fact, they got a letter from Santa on Christmas morning that said they were almost on naughty list.

And before I get any comments regarding it, Ashley fell asleep with her hairbow in her hair last night. I did not do her hair before we played in the snow, though it did make for cute pictures. ; )

1 comment:

  1. kk and i were just talking about the hair bow when i srolled down and read about it. too funny.

