Monday, November 17, 2008

"Please sigh and return"

I guess it is important for Kindergartners to have a visual reward/punishment system. I've heard about other teachers using stoplights and such, but in Nathan's class, each kid has a "Fry Box". They each start out with 3 fries in their box. If you misbehave, you have to pull a fry. Most days, Nathan keeps all 3 fries in his box, but today he lost one again for talking too much. The parent is supposed to initial this little report each day and return it to school. I noticed today that it says "Please sigh and return" which is exactly what I did. : )


  1. Jeremiah got his first yellow light today. I was disappointed. I guess I really thought he would go the entire year and never get off the green light. What can I say? I bit a little boys arm and broke it in kindergarten. At least J was just talking in the hallway!

  2. B has managed to make a couple of weeks this year without a yellow light but he has not yet got a whole week of smiley faces(this means it was a green day and there are no negitive comments in the binder)I even promised to take him out for ice cream if he ever does.
