Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Taste Test

Chef Nathan

Well, we tried out one of the recipes: Meatball Soup. Nathan helped me make it, and it was actually very good! It was basically glorified spaghetti with meatballs, but we all liked it and got in an extra serving of vegetables. So far, one for one on Deceptively Delicious! BTW, Nathan's cute apron was a Christmas present from Renee. Now he wants a chef's hat!


  1. I have the rival book, The Sneaky Chef, which I am planning to try soon. Luke won't eat anything but chicken nuggets, cheese and pizza! I might have to email you for some of the recipes out of your book. I'll let you know how some of ours turn out.


  2. I have only tried a couple of the recipes, but I will let you know how it goes!
