Sunday, September 12, 2010

Whew Pig Sooie

While the Hogs' offense might not have been so hot yesterday, the same cannot be said for the weather. It was a hot one at War Memorial! The rain held off, but the heat and humidity were relentless.
Even with a parking pass, there's still a lot of pressure to get to the stadium early enough to get the best place. Jeff had a classic case of "Spot Anxiety" yesterday morning. We got there with the kids around 10:45 a.m. and set up our tailgating spot.

We had lots of folks stop by yesterday and lots of food to go around. On the menu was classic BBQ fare: ribs, chicken, potato salad, beans, rolls, and lots of yummy desserts including the debut of my festive red velvet cake balls from the Bakerella.

After we were all stuffed, we made our way to the stadium and sweated profusely through the first quarter. Gross, but true. Will and Nate had to be two of the sweatiest 7-year-old boys at the game. They played hard all day and wore their helmets most of the time. Nathan was determined to get on the big screen during the game. He thinks that he saw himself once though it wasn't verified by anyone else.

Yesterday was a bittersweet anniversary for us as we remembered the events of 9/11/01. So many lives were lost that day, and we are forever thankful that Tyler's was spared. I wanted to post this picture from our road trip to Georgia in 2001 (just a couple of weeks after 9/11) as a reminder.

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