Thursday, May 28, 2009

"The Arts" in action

Tonight we went to B's Kindergarten program. The theme was "My future Career". This is not a very good picture, but the kid with the glowing eyes is Brandon dressed as a firefighter (he did not get to chose but he was thrilled with his "profession.") His group sang a cute song and the whole program was mercifully short. However the "blog-worthy" part was that one group of kids -Dressed as Plumbers. I could not make this up-did an interpretative dance-COMPLETE WITH PLUNGERS!

I'm sure glad that our music/dances classes are safe from the budget cuts because I'm not sure HOW our kids would ever grow into well-rounded citizins with out plunger based dance training.


  1. The plungers don't bother me, but what on earth are they wearing on their heads? Chef hats? Really large pieces of PVC pipe?

  2. I thought Brandon got to pick his career and chose to be a cross dresser before I read what you wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It starts with painted toenails, but where exactly does it end??????????
