Saturday, November 20, 2010

Will you take a dollar for this?

I don't usually get attached to things. "Gifts" are definitely not my love language. However, I parted with a few beloved items in today's garage sale. First was my Sit-N-Stand double stroller (which I nicknamed "The Dub"). It was one of the last baby items I had left. Getting it was sort of a rite of passage in becoming a mother of two. Even when I just had Nathan, I was very much pro stroller. When we expanded the brood, I found it to be a necessity. It's in good hands though. Stephanie will be using The Dub for Piper and their latest addition Paige.

Another beloved item we sold was the Buzz Lightyear costume. Nathan and Will both dressed as Buzz for Halloween 2006 (I think). Many kids have spent happy hours playing in that costume, but even Micah has outgrown it. I hope that some other little boy will enjoy it as much as our boys did.

Much of the other stuff that we got rid of was pure junk. It is AMAZING what people will buy. Audry and I joked about some of the things that we were selling, and some of them were the first to go!

Nathan set-up a doughnut and hot chocolate stand this morning. Who could resist a doughnut and cup of cocoa from this kid?

He was eager to get up and start selling this morning. He drew pictures of his items on the sign along with this text: "Doghnuts + Hot Choco 75¢ each : ) Yum!"

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