Monday, November 29, 2010

So much for Cyber Monday

Since my Black Friday shopping was hindered by a brief illness this weekend, I decided to make up for lost time on Cyber Monday. In my pajamas and armed with my laptop, credit card, and a large cup of coffee, I set off into cyberspace. (Do people even use that word anymore?) I spent much of the cold, wet morning looking for deals online and made zero purchases. I was only looking for a few specific things and was overall unimpressed with the deals. That was disappointing because my Christmas list is still rather long!

I put off the Christmas shopping for another day because I still needed to get groceries and new shoes for Nathan. Hoping to avoid a trip to the mall, we headed for the New Balance store that is about 5 minutes from our house. We got his feet measured (he's up to a 2 ½!!), and he quickly found a pair that he liked. As I was going to pay, I saw a sign near the register that read: "Buy $100 gift card and get $25 gift card free". Since 3/4 of our family could use new tennis shoes, I asked about getting the $100 card and using it today. This guy rudely told me that I could use the $25 card today but the $100 card wasn't good until January. Huh? Isn't that backwards from the way these promotions usually work? Whatever. We had new shoes without a trip to the mall. I made my one purchase of the day - no gift cards or cyber deals involved - and was on my way home.

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