Monday, May 24, 2010

Good game...good game...good game...

I have somehow failed to blog about Nathan's soccer team in the last two months. Well, now the season's over, but here's a recap and some random pics:

Nathan has been begging us to play soccer for the last two years, so we let him sign up to play on an Upward team at our church. Jeff volunteered to be an assistant coach. They didn't have enough coaches sign-up, so he got promoted to be the the head coach of Nathan's team: The Bruins.

The season had it's ups and downs. On the positive side, Jeff was a great coach, and I think he and Nathan both learned a lot about soccer. Also, his team was made up mostly of his friends from school, so they all had a great time.

On the not-so-positive side, we had a lot of rained-out games and even rained-out make-up games. And we had some, let's say, "teachable moments" about the value of good sportsmanship. I know I'm not always the shining example of being a good sport. However, when it's a church league and your dad is the coach, you have to learn (sometimes the hard way) to suck it up and be a good sport!

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