Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No, I'm not pregnant

For most of the summer, I have been completely exhausted. This was my #1 complaint both times that I was pregnant. Since I knew that was not the case, I looked for some other reason that I have been feeling like total crap. At first, I assumed it was because I am a working mother with two small children...or maybe that I am getting old and lazy...or maybe I am anemic again...etc. So I finally went to the doctor on Monday, and it turns out that I have mono. This is one of those good news/bad news situations. Good news: I'm not crazy and something is actually wrong with me. Bad news: there is nothing you can do but wait it out. The weird thing is that I actually feel physically worse now that I know what it is. Maybe that's just psychosomatic, but I think it is because I don't have to fake feeling well.
Since they drew 5 vials of blood and ran every test under the sun, I asked them to fax me all of my lab results (13 pages!) Everything else looked great, except my Vitamin D level was a little low. So now I'm taking a prescription supplement and hopefully will be myself again in a few weeks.


  1. Sounds like you need another trip to Florida and get some sun, or you could drink more "fat milk" for more vit. D

  2. Sorry to hear that, Racheal. I'm a little behind in checking the blog. I agree with Renee, sounds like a good excuse to take a nap out in the sun while Jeff chases the kids.
