Saturday, July 5, 2008

Self-Inflicted Torture

There are 2 annual events that every woman dreads: (1) going to the gynecologist and (2) swimsuit shopping. Personally, I think I would rather go to the gynecologist. At least that's covered by my insurance!

Jeff and the kids have spent most of the holiday weekend up on Petit Jean celebrating with his family. I'm on call, so I just got to go up for a little while last night for the cook-out and fireworks.

Since I had some time to myself, I decided that I would totally shatter any remnant of positive body image that I still had by going swimsuit shopping. I don't know if it was having the 2nd kid or turning 30, but things are not the same as they used to be. (Let's just say, my feet aren't the only things that are starting to remind me of my grandmother!) Is it too much too ask for a swimsuit that covers you up without looking like an old lady?

After numerous disasters, I found one that I am not repulsed by. That is about all I could have hoped for!


  1. Where is the picture? I want to see it!

  2. This comment and the previous one was by renee I automatically was signed in under Aaron. I just didn't want anybody to think Aaron was asking for pics of Rach in her swimsuit. When he reads this he will be mortified.

  3. Thanks for the clarification! I know that you often log in under Aaron's account, but others would probably wonder - especially when Aaron's picture pops up next to the comment. Too funny!
