Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Almost Famous

Jeff sent me a text last week that read, "We're on the cover of the Arkansas Times." I immediately started trying to recall a photographer being around us recently. I drew a blank, so I called him for the details. They did a story on moving into our new church building. It was called "Super Sized", and (appropriately) we are just specks in the crowd of hundreds.

Even though I only consider myself to be moderately conservative, I have been boycotting the Arkansas Times for a couple of years because of its ridiculously liberal slant. I read the article and was surprised to find it was mostly favorable about Fellowship.

This picture was taken after the first service in our new building. I drew in the arrow pointing to Jeff. I am on his right, and my mom is to his left. Dad, Renee, and Amanda were there too, but they are not in the picture. As you can see, I barely made the cut myself!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED the article in the Arkansas Times!!!! It was pretty cool that I was in Arkansas that weekend and got to be part of the grand opening for the new building.Can't wait to be back in Little Rock and worshipping with Fellowship.
