Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little Miss Messmaker

I'm on call this week, and if we're home, I usually go upstairs when I have to take a call so that I can actually hear the person to whom I'm speaking. (It's difficult to have a serious conversation with a child begging for a snack or tattling on their sibling in the background!) Well, this has been a particularly busy call week so far. Last night, I was taking a call and left the kids unsupervised downstairs. Ashley promptly dumped out my purse and started putting on lip gloss. My camera was also in my purse, so I guess Nathan thought it was more important to capture the evidence first, then call for me later. Here's a picture he took:

Tonight I left my kids downstairs unsupervised (again), and they got into mischief (again). They got into a box of markers (why we had non-washable, bold-color markers in the house, I do not know) and colored all over their arms and faces. I was on the phone for at least 10 or 15 minutes, so I guess they decided to wash up after they tattooed themselves. I found them dripping wet, and there was water all over the bathroom floor. Nathan did a pretty good job of cleaning himself up, but Ashley was another story:

You would think that I would learn my lesson, but what else am I going to do? I had to hold her down and scrub her face to get it off, and then I threw the non-washable markers in the trash.

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