Monday, April 7, 2008

I need a(nother) day off!

Nathan playing on the playground tunnels (and wearing my old sunglasses)

Dad and Ashley on the swings (note the hip boots)

As a belated birthday present to myself, I sent the kids to school today and had a little "me" time. I went to the salon and then had lunch with my mom. I also had to renew my driver's license - not exactly fun, but at least it's only every 4 years. The LR DMV has a new location, and I must say, it was very efficient and not at all scary (unlike the ghetto office on Barrow Road that they had before). It literally took less than 5 minutes! And, since I had just had my hair done, it looked fabulous for my new picture.

While we were having lunch, my dad called from his new cell phone (yes, he does know how to use it!) and told me to bring the kids down to Murray Lock and Dam to see some pelicans feeding. I bet no one else in the world was having that same conversation! After I picked them up from school, we drove over, but there were only a few birds left, and they weren't catching any fish. We did go to the playground for a little while, so it was worth the trip. There was some tornado damage in that area, so there were huge trees snapped and limbs everywhere.

Overall, I had a good but busy day today. On Saturday night (my actual birthday), Mom and Dad came over and watched ALL of the kids so that we could go out to dinner with the Krebs and Stanisors. It was very nice to be out with just the grown-ups. We were even able to ride in one vehicle! I know that hasn't happened since before we had kids.

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