Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year, New 'Do

Jeff and the kids are still out of school, so I had the luxury of a morning to myself. I really needed it! In case you don't know, I'm getting over having shingles. Fortunately, I had a pretty mild case, but it has still been painful and exhausting. After sleeping in until almost 9:00 this morning (!), I spent several hours in the salon. I've been pretty of tired of dealing with long hair, so I got it cut shorter than it's been in years. I didn't get a good picture, but you can see it's about chin-length.

After my appointment, it was Ashley's turn. She's never had a real haircut before, just an occasional trim by me. I have been hesitant to get it cut because of those cute little curls on the end, but it was time. It's been getting so tangled lately.

She did great! Both of my kids have been superstars when it comes to getting haircuts. Ashley was thrilled to sit in the little fire engine and watch herself in all the mirrors. I had to post this video of the little diva. I have no idea what she was singing (she often makes up songs), but her expressions are priceless. Try to ignore the toddler screaming in the background:





  1. Shingles??? Wow. I've had bronchitis with pleurisy. What, are we 80 already? Ha! Glad you're doing better. Love the new 'do.

  2. I know! It's like we're falling apart already. Amanda had shingles at 25 and my dad before he was 50. I talked about getting the vaccine after seeing what they went through, but it's technically only approved for people over 60! Hope you are feeling better. Not the best way to spend Christmas.
