Monday, February 15, 2010

More Snow Days and V-Day

Last week was a blur for me! Between the surprise snow storm, surprise surgery (for Sean), and trip to Oklahoma for Jeff's family reunion, I really need my day off today! To recap, we were supposed to get up to 1/2" of snow on Sunday night, but instead we woke up on Monday to a winter wonderland. It kept snowing all day with some of the biggest flakes I've ever seen in Arkansas falling around noon. Jeff and the kids were home Monday through Wednesday.
Our igloo - Jeff actually finished the top, but we didn't get any pictures because it was getting dark. For the record, making an igloo is hard work! But how often do we get enough snow in central AR to even try?

Mom and Dad came over on Tuesday and helped the kids build a snowman. He melted down to a snow stump yesterday.

On Thursday, we were starting to get back to "normal" (whatever that means!) when Debbie called and said that Sean was going to the hospital with suspected appendicitis. Jeff picked up Abby, and she spent the night here as we waited to hear news on Sean and watched for the second round of snow we were predicted to get this week. Fortunately, the surgery went well, and we did not get any more snow.

I took Abby home on Friday morning, and then Ashley and I went to Nathan's Valentine's Day party at school that afternoon.

Since the weather permitted, we travelled to Atwood, OK, for the Cook family reunion (Jeff's grandmother's family). We left on Friday and came back Saturday. It was about 5 1/2 hours each way, but the kids slept a couple of hours on the way there and then rode back in Aunt Karen's van. (Thanks again, Karen!) Jeff, Phyllis, and I had a peaceful ride back home.

I know this was a long post, but like I said, it was a crazy week. If you're still with me after all this rambling, I would ask that you please remember to pray for Phyllis. She will be having surgery on Thursday at 5:30 am to repair her tricuspid valve. Any open-heart surgery is a major operation, but this one is supposed to be especially complicated because of the location of the valve. Wishing you all a great week!

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