I don't know if any of my other friends with 2nd graders feel this way, but the talk on the playground at our school usually centers around the fact that 2nd grade seems to be mostly a refresher course of 1st grade. Just wondering if it was like that at other schools?
One area in which I think Nathan is being challenged is spelling. He's a very good speller, but we've really had to work on some of the big words that he's been bringing home. For example, this week, we have "infirmary" and "admirable" plus she gives them three "Star Words" that aren't on the spelling list.
If you read my Facebook post last week, I apologize for the duplication, but this story bears repeating. Nathan pulled his homework packet out of his folder last week and exclaimed, "Mom, I only have 3 spelling words this week: 'see', 'attached' and 'list'!" Too funny!
And here's one last thing before I get to the laundry and housework that are calling my name. Nathan's art teacher sent home a link to an online art gallery where she is posting some of their work. I thought this one made from torn paper was really good: