After all of that, I realized that we did not have the poles for our tent so we had to sleep in this spider-infested, ghetto tent. Seriously, if I would have been physically able to haul our stuff back to the truck, I think we would have left! Nathan's smile is deceptive. He was drugged on Benadryl and walked around holding his chest like he had a gunshot wound instead of a sting.

It took so long to get set-up, that we missed lunch. After snacking on Pringles and peanuts, we finally got to do some fun things. Nate's favorite activity was archery once again. The weather was perfect, and we ended up having a nice afternoon.

By dinnertime, we were starving! They served some of Nate's favorite foods and plenty of them! We pigged out on chicken strips, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, cobbler, and ice cream.

By nightfall, we were worn out and went to "sleep" around 9:00. I actually did doze off pretty quickly, but after Nathan knocked his pillow off the cot and out of the tent for the second time, I was pretty much done even trying get anymore sleep. We got up and packed up early. After breakfast and a few more activities, we headed home for much needed showers (and for me, a nap!) In spite of the rough start, I was glad to spend the weekend with my boy.

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