Where headed to florda. I'm so exsited. I can't wate to see the Staseys. They are so fun. Were about to at Missasipee. Were watching Megamind. Next will watch Wrec-it Walf. Were going to dinner. We are leveing Missasipee. I had a grate breckfast. We are looking for slug bugs. Me and mom are winning.
I have to say Missasipee is a wered state! they put sope in germ-x bottles. But the stake houses are pretty good. and the melba toast is vary good. Today it is rainy. I am watching Wec-it Waltth again.
I'm going to spend-the-night at KK's house. Now it's morning and were watching underdog. Now were going to my condo to go swimming. Were playing silents. Were going to jump off something into the ocon. I am jumping with Mikayla. We are jumping for the last time. I got stung by a jellyfish. It relly hurts. there is a red mark. Tonight we are eating at a crab place. We are going to play at the playground. My sing feels better.
We are leaving Florda. But they Saysey are coming in June. I want to stay. I am watchin Tagled. Were in Missasippe. I wish we stayed in Florda. Were at she knows she the lost prenses. Were at WAFFLe House! I'm haveing a waffle.
I woke up wiled. I played my Mom's phone. Were headed to Arkansas. the best part was seeing my family. We loved the trip. It was a way to get out of school without geting sick. And also tomorow is mamorle day so it is like hiving eaght saterdays! I am happy to about to be home. But I'm sad to leave Florda. I'm had fun. Were crossing the Missasipee brege.
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