This is a busy time of year for Jeff as both a teacher and a student. Even though I'm still working part-time at my regular job, I have been on call 3 of the 4 weeks in April and have picked up more nights at the free clinic. Also, Nathan started T-Ball this week, but it's very low commitment (1 night a week for 2 months). His team this year is the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was very excited about that.
In all our spare time, I thought that I would schedule a family portrait. We used Eric Shelnut in Benton. He took the 1-year picture of the boys at Mom and Dad's house that I love so much. I haven't seen the pictures yet, so I hope he got some good ones. I tried to take a few pics on my own after we were finished with the professional. Let's just say that Ashley was D-O-N-E! I couldn't get a decent shot of her alone or with her brother.

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