The Skinners invited us and some other old Unity/MBSF friends over last night. We enjoyed catching up with everyone. Kelly and Story Springer were in town (from Colorado). We haven't seen them in years! I took a couple of pictures of the 3 three-year-olds:

One of the many adorable features of the Skinners "new" house is this little book closet under the stairs.

Cate Skinner, Ashley, and Lydia Krebs
All of the kids were amazingly good last night, so the grown-ups had a lot of time to chat. Thanks again, Jamie and Heather, for having us over. It's definitely our turn!
When Jamie told me about the party, I was so sad! Seeing these little girls makes it worse!! :( I really, really, wish we could have made it. It's been too long. Next time y'all come up to Fayetteville, let's get together.