The Johnsons are home for the first time since Thanksgiving, and the boys had a list of things that they wanted to do while they were here. One of those was to go fishing. Dad took them up to the pond on Wednesday night, and they caught four or five little ones. They also played in the creek and went on a nature hike.
Papa leading his little ducklings. (Yes, Ashley is wearing footed pajamas in the woods. Don't ask!)

Today we all went to Pinnacle Mountain. We all started the hike, but Mom, Ashley, and Lily only made it a few yards before they decided the playground would be more fun than the trail. Renee and Micah made it a little further. Nathan, Jeremiah, Dad, Jeff and I hiked to the top.

The whole gang
I took a picture of the six-year-olds at the "6" marker. Renee didn't get it.
Dad's giving a lesson on the land features of Pulaski County.

Lily on the playground
This afternoon we had a pre-Easter egg hunt in the backyard. It is probably going to rain tomorrow, so we got outside while we had the chance. The boys were already wearing costumes, so I decided to dress the girls up as well. 

Wow! Wish I was there. The first picture is Little Rach. & Renee. Please give my family a huge hug and kiss. I miss them like crazy, especially for Easter. Buuuuuut, glad they could spend some MUCH needed time with you guys. Renee really needed some Rachael time!