No, this post has nothing to do with swine flu (though Jeff and most assuredly Jennifer are freaking out!) As we were going through the chest with our old pictures on Saturday, I ran across our passports and realized that they expire on April 28. I gave Jeff a wild-eyed look when I realized they would expire this week, and he quickly replied, "No, we're not going to leave the country." Since when has he been the voice of reason in our relationship?
Without a passport, I am just feeling a little trapped and thought I would share. It's not like I ever just up and leave the country, but I would like to think that I have the option. I just can't justify spending the money to renew it without a reason, so I guess I'll stay put for now.Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Prom Flashbacks
Though it's hard to believe, Jeff's nephew Sean is a senior this year! He came over to our house last night to get ready for the Benton High School Prom. After he left, Jeff and I pulled out our old pictures and were having some major prom flashbacks. Jeff remembered a lot about his. For me, not so much. I can remember what we did before and after the prom, but the actual event is just a blur. I threatened to scan our old prom pics and post them here, but Jeff wouldn't let me have his. (And I certainly didn't want to embarrass myself alone!)
The BHS prom has definitely stepped it up in the last 15 years. For starters, the Clinton Presidential Library was the venue. I haven't seen any pictures of the actual event yet, but it's got to be better than the high school cafeteria decked out in fake ferns and glittery letters spelling "The End of the Road". (Pause here for Boys II Men flashback...)
The kids spent the weekend with Mom and Dad, so I went to church with them at Ten Mile this morning. For the first time in a long time, I was summoned by Tony to sing in an impromptu quartet with him, Clint, and Amanda French. Luckily for this old alto, they're still singing from the same hymnal we had growing up. BTW, this is probably old news to some, but Clint and Jessie are expecting a baby girl in September.
The BHS prom has definitely stepped it up in the last 15 years. For starters, the Clinton Presidential Library was the venue. I haven't seen any pictures of the actual event yet, but it's got to be better than the high school cafeteria decked out in fake ferns and glittery letters spelling "The End of the Road". (Pause here for Boys II Men flashback...)
The kids spent the weekend with Mom and Dad, so I went to church with them at Ten Mile this morning. For the first time in a long time, I was summoned by Tony to sing in an impromptu quartet with him, Clint, and Amanda French. Luckily for this old alto, they're still singing from the same hymnal we had growing up. BTW, this is probably old news to some, but Clint and Jessie are expecting a baby girl in September.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Where has April gone?
Tyler called me out on Facebook about my infrequent blogging. So sorry to disappoint! We have been really busy lately. We've had something going on nearly every weeknight for the last two weeks. Jeff and I have been doing some serious tag-team parenting with Mom and Debbie filling in the gaps.
This is a busy time of year for Jeff as both a teacher and a student. Even though I'm still working part-time at my regular job, I have been on call 3 of the 4 weeks in April and have picked up more nights at the free clinic. Also, Nathan started T-Ball this week, but it's very low commitment (1 night a week for 2 months). His team this year is the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was very excited about that.
In all our spare time, I thought that I would schedule a family portrait. We used Eric Shelnut in Benton. He took the 1-year picture of the boys at Mom and Dad's house that I love so much. I haven't seen the pictures yet, so I hope he got some good ones. I tried to take a few pics on my own after we were finished with the professional. Let's just say that Ashley was D-O-N-E! I couldn't get a decent shot of her alone or with her brother.

This is a busy time of year for Jeff as both a teacher and a student. Even though I'm still working part-time at my regular job, I have been on call 3 of the 4 weeks in April and have picked up more nights at the free clinic. Also, Nathan started T-Ball this week, but it's very low commitment (1 night a week for 2 months). His team this year is the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was very excited about that.
In all our spare time, I thought that I would schedule a family portrait. We used Eric Shelnut in Benton. He took the 1-year picture of the boys at Mom and Dad's house that I love so much. I haven't seen the pictures yet, so I hope he got some good ones. I tried to take a few pics on my own after we were finished with the professional. Let's just say that Ashley was D-O-N-E! I couldn't get a decent shot of her alone or with her brother.

Just for Amanda...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Easter Pics

I was worn out after last weekend, so I'm just now getting around to posting few Easter pictures...

Me, Nathan, Dad, Ashley, Jeremiah, Micah, Mom, Lily, & Renee

It wouldn't be Easter without the Jell-O Eggs!
It's a good thing that we hid eggs outside on Saturday, because the monsoon hit here on Sunday afternoon! We did have a little treasure hunt inside on Sunday, though. I hid a few eggs around the house with clues inside to find the big stash of Easter eggs.
For those who don't know, Papa always has a pack of gum (Wrigley's Spearmint) in his shirt pocket!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Grand-duggar Alert!
Breaking news to share with my fellow Duggar Lovers:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hangin' with the Johnsons

The Johnsons are home for the first time since Thanksgiving, and the boys had a list of things that they wanted to do while they were here. One of those was to go fishing. Dad took them up to the pond on Wednesday night, and they caught four or five little ones. They also played in the creek and went on a nature hike.
Papa leading his little ducklings. (Yes, Ashley is wearing footed pajamas in the woods. Don't ask!)

Today we all went to Pinnacle Mountain. We all started the hike, but Mom, Ashley, and Lily only made it a few yards before they decided the playground would be more fun than the trail. Renee and Micah made it a little further. Nathan, Jeremiah, Dad, Jeff and I hiked to the top.

The whole gang
I took a picture of the six-year-olds at the "6" marker. Renee didn't get it.
Dad's giving a lesson on the land features of Pulaski County.

Lily on the playground
This afternoon we had a pre-Easter egg hunt in the backyard. It is probably going to rain tomorrow, so we got outside while we had the chance. The boys were already wearing costumes, so I decided to dress the girls up as well. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Operation Snowbird
Mom, Renee, Mandi, and I are planning a trip to Florida in May--without our kids-- to see Amanda. Since we have to be so secretive about the plans, I wanted to come up with a code word. Renee thought of "Operation Snowbird". Mandi and I booked our tickets last week, and Mom got hers today, so all of the pieces are falling in place. I haven't been down to see Amanda since they moved to Ft. Myers last summer and am really looking forward to it. See you soon!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I've been Roshonda'ed again!
I have been driving the same car for 7 years, and it has been hit by someone at least 6 times!!! (It happens so often that I've actually lost count!) Here's a summary of the ones that I can remember (not necessarily in chronological order):
1. When it was brand new (before I even had tags on it), I was hit in the parking lot of Black Angus by a really old man named Buddy Coleman. Coleman - as in Coleman dairy. He was driving a nice, big car that was all banged up, so I assume that he runs into people all the time. He grudgingly sent me a check for the damages. If I had been thinking clearly, maybe I should have worked out a deal for free lifetime supply of milk or something!
2. I parked behind Aaron at their house in Glen Rose one evening. He was running out to pick up some dinner and backed into the side of my car. Again, only minor damage.
3. Now, this is the one that made me fume! I was going to work one morning trying to turn right on to Chenal Parkway at a yield sign when someone rear-ended me. I got out and the first thing she said was, "Did you reverse?" I said, "What are you talking about? You just rear-ended me!" Well, when the officer arrived Roshonda - as I later found out was her name - lied to the policeman as well, got out of a ticket, and left me paying my $500 deductible to get my bumper fixed! NOTE: Always get a witness.
4. One afternoon, I parked at the bank in the drive-thru when this old lady rear-ended me. For crying out loud! I was parked! Anyway, she started apologizing and saying something about being up all night with dying relatives...there was no damage, so I just drove off.
5. Another woman rear-ended me at a yield sign on the way to pick-up the kids a few months ago. She slammed into me hard, but no damage.
6. And finally, last night we were on our way home from the Skinners and were stopped at the light trying to turn left on Kanis when someone rear-ended us! The driver got out and the passenger got in the driver's seat. Jeff got out to inspect the car while I called the police. The guy smelled of alcohol and talked Jeff into pulling into the service station. Then, he got back into his car, and they drove off!!! Luckily, we were all fine and there were no damages. NOTE: Always get the license plate numbers. Next time (and there will surely be a next time), I'm taking pictures!
I don't know if my car is jinxed or what, but 6 wrecks in 7 years has got to be statistically significant. I guess I should be thankful that of all these accidents, no one has ever been injured. I'm still a little ticked off about Roshonda (hence the title of my post.)
Be safe out there!
1. When it was brand new (before I even had tags on it), I was hit in the parking lot of Black Angus by a really old man named Buddy Coleman. Coleman - as in Coleman dairy. He was driving a nice, big car that was all banged up, so I assume that he runs into people all the time. He grudgingly sent me a check for the damages. If I had been thinking clearly, maybe I should have worked out a deal for free lifetime supply of milk or something!
2. I parked behind Aaron at their house in Glen Rose one evening. He was running out to pick up some dinner and backed into the side of my car. Again, only minor damage.
3. Now, this is the one that made me fume! I was going to work one morning trying to turn right on to Chenal Parkway at a yield sign when someone rear-ended me. I got out and the first thing she said was, "Did you reverse?" I said, "What are you talking about? You just rear-ended me!" Well, when the officer arrived Roshonda - as I later found out was her name - lied to the policeman as well, got out of a ticket, and left me paying my $500 deductible to get my bumper fixed! NOTE: Always get a witness.
4. One afternoon, I parked at the bank in the drive-thru when this old lady rear-ended me. For crying out loud! I was parked! Anyway, she started apologizing and saying something about being up all night with dying relatives...there was no damage, so I just drove off.
5. Another woman rear-ended me at a yield sign on the way to pick-up the kids a few months ago. She slammed into me hard, but no damage.
6. And finally, last night we were on our way home from the Skinners and were stopped at the light trying to turn left on Kanis when someone rear-ended us! The driver got out and the passenger got in the driver's seat. Jeff got out to inspect the car while I called the police. The guy smelled of alcohol and talked Jeff into pulling into the service station. Then, he got back into his car, and they drove off!!! Luckily, we were all fine and there were no damages. NOTE: Always get the license plate numbers. Next time (and there will surely be a next time), I'm taking pictures!
I don't know if my car is jinxed or what, but 6 wrecks in 7 years has got to be statistically significant. I guess I should be thankful that of all these accidents, no one has ever been injured. I'm still a little ticked off about Roshonda (hence the title of my post.)
Be safe out there!
Catching up with old friends
The Skinners invited us and some other old Unity/MBSF friends over last night. We enjoyed catching up with everyone. Kelly and Story Springer were in town (from Colorado). We haven't seen them in years! I took a couple of pictures of the 3 three-year-olds:

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