6:00am came early today...way too early! While I've not had as much time off as everyone else in my household this summer, at least I've only been responsible for getting myself ready and out the door on time in the mornings. Not so today! Since the tardy bell rings at 7:40am, we all had to rise and shine. (Well, at least "rise" - not a whole lot of "shine" going on that early!)
My 1/2 grown little man started 3rd grade today. He has a teacher who is new to the school and a just couple of friends in his class. He seems excited, and we're hoping for a good year. He didn't really want us to walk him to class today, but I insisted.

Ashley started Kindergarten today! Since she has already been through Pre-K at the same school, starting "real" school was far less traumatic on Jeff and me that
when Nathan started Kindergarten. Here she is with her adorable teacher both wearing her new favorite color - purple!

Ashley's best school friend, Brooke, is sadly not in her class this year, but she does have several of her other Pre-K friends and lots of Fellowship kids in with her.
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