Nathan's first grade teacher got him started on these books to open the door to fiction books for him. If he is left to choose on his own, 90% of the time, it will be non-fiction. He wanted to get every detail just right; he even wanted the lettering on the back of his jacket to be in the same font! To prepare for the role, he had pancakes last night for dinner and again this morning. Yes, I know it's going a little overboard, but any excuse to eat pancakes is fine with me!

The hard work and attention to detail paid off. Nathan won 1st Place in the 2nd Grade contest! Ashley's teacher decided that they would have a theme for Book Character Day. The teachers were the Cats in the Hats and the kids were Thing 1, Thing 2,...up to Thing 20. They were numbered in alphabetical order, so of course A.A. was Thing 1. They were so cute!

The only official prizes were for individuals, but since Ms. Jefferson's class looked so adorable, they got a special prize for "Class Participation" and got to march first in the parade.

I loved the "Yellow Brick Road".
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