We wrapped up our busy weekend with trunk-or-treating at church with Jenna S. (the cute cupcake above). Ashley was an adorable Sleeping Beauty. And for the 3rd year in a row, Nathan was a Star Wars character. This time, he was Jango Fett.
BTW, thanks to my brother-in-law for posting this picture of his kids in costume on Facebook. Micah was also Jango Fett, but he had the
deluxe costume which Nathan noticed right away.

We met up with the Krebs Family at the Fall Festival. I tried unsuccessfully to get a cute picture of all 6 kids:

Ashley also ran into her good friend Brooke from school, and they posed for a quick pic.
This was the first year since we've been at Fellowship that they've done anything for Halloween. The older people hosted it and did a fantastic job. They were as excited as the kids, and some of the booths were amazing!

Nathan with his former Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cooper, who helped with the Cupcake Walk. (Notice the the cute apron.) We trick-or-treated at a few houses on our street on the way home and called it a night!
i could not help but notice the whale/shark truck. wow! i don't have any pics from the trunk-or-treat that we were involed in, but seeing as how my thrown together theme of "stuffed animals in holloween costume" was one of the better trunks, i think its safe to say your church went all out!