Not much. Mostly, we've just been trying to get back into the school day routine. Our new school still has an early start time (7:40 tardy bell!). Even though my kids are generally early risers, it's still tough to get up, fed, dressed, and ready to roll by 7:20. The traffic situation is not as bad as I had anticipated. Jeff usually does the dropping-off, and I do the picking-up. Most days, I let them play for while after school to expend some of the boundless energy while I hang out with the other "Playground Moms".
Pre-K is going great! They had Cowboy/Cowgirl day on Thursday. 

Ashley was the "Star of the Week" which meant she got to be the line leader all week, bring some of her favorite toys from home to share with the class, and have pictures of her put up on the bulletin board. We had to send a healthy snack for the entire class that started with the first letter of her name and that did not contain any milk, egg, or peanut products. We were lucky because we could chose applesauce, but some of the other letters are going to be tough! 

Other than that, the only "blog-worthy" event of our week was probably these homemade rolls that I baked on Monday. I'm not even kidding. They were delicious! After we had them with dinner on Monday night, Jeff had them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the next day!!
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