Boy, has it been a busy week for the Adams Family...and it's only Wednesday! On Monday, Nathan started Cub Scouts in a new pack/den at our church, we had a PTA meeting and Open House at school last night, and tonight I had my small group at church while Jeff took the kids to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. (I definitely got the better end of that deal!) The rest of the week continues to look pretty busy plus I'm on call! I did manage to take a few pictures at school last night of some things that I had not seen before:

There are some really nice murals in the school. This one is in the library:

Here the kids are showing us how to use the SmartBoard. Actually, Jeff already knew, but I was behind on the technology. (Insert old person voice here) "Back in my day, we used chalk!"
Both of my kids really like their teachers. I think Ashley would go home with hers, and Nathan is actually going home with his next week for a play date with his teacher's little boy. One thing I like about his class is that they get all of their homework assignments for the week on Monday and then turn it all in on Friday. I am a little worried about the "trail" spelling test on Thursday, though. ; )

Both of my kids really like their teachers. I think Ashley would go home with hers, and Nathan is actually going home with his next week for a play date with his teacher's little boy. One thing I like about his class is that they get all of their homework assignments for the week on Monday and then turn it all in on Friday. I am a little worried about the "trail" spelling test on Thursday, though. ; )
I'm so proud of my baby girl. She was the only one in her class - boy or girl - that made it to the top of the climbing wall in PE. She must get her athletic ability from her momma. ;)