Since Renee has given up on blogging, I guess I will start posting pictures of her kids. She took a picture of JJ with this same sign when he started Kindergarten two years ago. It made the blog, but I guess kid #2 didn't get so lucky. Poor Lily probably won't even get her picture taken when she starts. (Have I made you feel sufficiently guilty, Renee?)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Better Late than Never...
Since Renee has given up on blogging, I guess I will start posting pictures of her kids. She took a picture of JJ with this same sign when he started Kindergarten two years ago. It made the blog, but I guess kid #2 didn't get so lucky. Poor Lily probably won't even get her picture taken when she starts. (Have I made you feel sufficiently guilty, Renee?)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Doughnuts with Dad
Friday, September 17, 2010
Frogurt Yogurt
Since it has been a few days since I blogged about food, I thought I would post about our new favorite treat: self-serve frozen yogurt. Or as Ashley calls it "frogurt yogurt". It is all the rage in this area with stores popping-up everywhere. Our nearest and most frequented stop is OrangeLeaf on Hwy. 10, but since we are equal opportunity dessert eaters, we have visited a few others as well. We've been to 3 Flamingos in Cabot with the Stanisors (twice, actually), and last night we tried out Key West in Maumelle with the Krebs. I would give them all a thumbs up.
Two things that I like about the self-serve set-up is that you can get just a little bit if that's all you want and then pay by the ounce. Also, it has been a good way to lure the kids to the car when it's time to leave our friends' houses. "Let's go get some frogurt yogurt on the way home!"
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Our Crazy Dog!

Open House Pics

Both of my kids really like their teachers. I think Ashley would go home with hers, and Nathan is actually going home with his next week for a play date with his teacher's little boy. One thing I like about his class is that they get all of their homework assignments for the week on Monday and then turn it all in on Friday. I am a little worried about the "trail" spelling test on Thursday, though. ; )
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Whew Pig Sooie

We had lots of folks stop by yesterday and lots of food to go around. On the menu was classic BBQ fare: ribs, chicken, potato salad, beans, rolls, and lots of yummy desserts including the debut of my festive red velvet cake balls from the Bakerella.

Monday, September 6, 2010
Double Birthday
On our trip to California (c. 1980)
Making the dressing (1990)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Kid-Friendly Apps (a.k.a. Portable Babysitters)

What's Been Going On?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Brandon's Big News
"I don't really know what to say, I just wanted to let everybody know I just got saved!"- Brandon
Amanda and I are understandably thrilled about his decision to trust Christ. He called all of his grandparents and even Mamaw and Papaw (his great-grandparents) and he wanted to let all of his cousins and aunts and uncles know that "he got saved". So y'all can expect a call over the next couple of days. Praise be to God!