Mom invited us to Magic Springs' Halloween event, "Magic Screams". The water park was closed for the season, but most of the other rides were open and some had a Halloween theme (black light bumper cars, haunted houses, etc.) I've never known my parents to be amusement park thrill seekers, but they went on almost EVERY ride -- upside down, twist and turn, you name it! Of course Mom was green around the gills after a couple of them, and I didn't even ask how Dad's back was doing the next day!
Under the category "There's a First Time for Everything", we got stuck on the top of a roller coaster! I don't know if it happens a lot or if this is just required safety precaution, but there was a sign posted right beside us telling us what to do in the event that the ride has stopped. They eventually unloaded one car at a time and took us down the emergency stairs and trail through the woods.

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