At the rehearsal dinner, Danielle (the bride) gave Ashley a cute monogrammed bag with several gifts inside including this adorable, sparkly "Flower Girl" tank top. It was a little big, but we made it work. She was so excited about it that she slept in it last night.
We started our day at the hair salon. Danielle wanted Ashley's hair up. Thanks to our stylist/bridesmaid Lindsey and a LOT of bobby pins and hair spray, the hair went up and stayed up rather well for 10 hours! Of course, I did spend most of those 10 hours saying, "Don't mess up your hair!" (The final bobby pin count when I took her hair down tonight was 35!!)

Bride and Flower Girl
Next we moved on to the nail salon for Ashley's first mani/pedi. She loved it! We went to the place that has a kid-sized chair with DVD player. She sat still the whole time that I was getting mine done.

We skipped out on the bridesmaid lunch and came home for a little down time. Then it was time to head to the church for pictures. Unfortunately, most of the pictures were outside in the heat. Ashley was a trooper, but it was about halfway through the photo session when we started to lose Flower Girl #2. She was only 2 & 1/2, so by the time the wedding started, she was done!

We had a lot of time between the pictures and the wedding. I think this was good because we hung out in the sanctuary, and Ashley got really comfortable in there. Maybe a little too comfortable at times...
She is SOOO cute!! I'm so proud of her. That's a long day for anyone :). I can't wait to take Lydia for her first mani/pedi in a couple of years!!