As a result of my busyness, I'm dreadfully behind on my Christmas shopping. I have made a dent in my list today and plan to really hit it hard on Monday. I just got home from a quick trip to K-Mart. Yes, I know it's kind of a ghetto store, but they had a certain *undisclosed item* on sale that I'm getting someone for Christmas. I pulled up to the store at about 8pm, and the parking lot was packed! I thought that I would go on inside just to see how bad the lines were at the checkout, and they were surprisingly short. Confused, I wandered back to the *undisclosed department* to see if they had my *undisclosed item*. I found the crowd! Apparently this was the last night to pick up your layaway, so there was a really long line in the back of the store. I overheard a woman say that she was in line for an hour and forty minutes to get her stuff! Luckily, they had what I came for in stock, so I made my purchase and was on my way.
Before I get started wrapping my purchases, I will put a few belated Thanksgiving pictures on here. Unfortunately, neither the Stacys or the Johnsons (the Pennsylvania Johnsons, that is) were home this year, but we had a good time with Mom, Dad, and our almost-family (the Arkansas Johnsons, Krebs, and Stanisors).

Thanksgiving Eve was really nice this year! Thanks for all your hard work. As a "lover of tradition" I really appreciate all you and Virgie do every year to pull it off.
I'm so glad y'all could make it. It wouldn't be TGE without you!