Nathan and I spent the weekend at the Cub Scout "Mom and Me" Camp Out, and we have the patches to prove it. (Something else I have to sew on his uniform!) There is a "Dad and Me" weekend later in the year, so I shared a few pointers with Jeff:
Tip 1: Bring your own tent! Otherwise, you will be put in something like this:

Fortunately, we did bring our own tent. The peace of mind that came with sleeping in a fully-enclosed space was definitely worth the time it took to set it up!

Tip 2: Go to the archery area first! We did this the first day, and I was very thankful. Long lines form for this popular event. The second day, I thought we should go to the Chapel Service (it was Sunday, after all) and then go to the archery/BB gun range. Big mistake! We had to wait in line over an hour. Which brings me to the next tip...
Tip 3: Skip chapel! I don't know what religion the service was supposed to be, but they prayed to the Great Spirits of the North, South, East and West and literally closed by singing Kumbaya.
Nathan's favorite event was the archery and BB guns. He had never shot either before, so he didn't do very well the first time. The second time, however, he rocked. He hit the archery target and got 3 bullseyes on the BB gun range.
Nathan's favorite event was the archery and BB guns. He had never shot either before, so he didn't do very well the first time. The second time, however, he rocked. He hit the archery target and got 3 bullseyes on the BB gun range.

They also had crafts, games, campfire cooking demonstrations, etc. Dinner and breakfast were served in the dining hall, so we didn't have to cook our own meals. There was no electricity at the campsite (I brought a battery-powered fan and air mattress), but there was sort of a "bathroom" in each camping area:
Here we are (in much need of showers) after a restless night in the tent: