We took our time on the way home yesterday. First, we went through Fayetteville and ate a late lunch at AQ Chicken House. Jeff and the kids had never eaten there, so I thought they should go at least once. I did make the disclaimer that I hadn't eaten there in 15 years, so I made no promises.

Since we stopped in Clarksville for a bathroom break, I decided to see if the famous Johnson County peaches were ripe yet. So we headed north on a little highway that eventually took us to a U-Pick peach orchard, but they weren't quite ready yet.
Since we were already several miles from the interstate, I pulled out the state map and plotted a course that took us through some remote, yet beautiful, parts of Johnson and Pope counties. We drove past these strange dinosaur sculptures in the middle of nowhere in front of someone's house on Hwy. 164. (Jeff turned around so we could take pictures.)

The little pyromaniac.

The big pyromaniac. Why use a match when you can use a blowtorch?

The one who bought the blowtorch - Wayne.

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