We spent most of Saturday downtown. I think I could write an article on all the cheap, family-friendly activities to do in downtown LR. First, we went to the farmer's market and picked up some produce, and then we went to the AGFC Nature Center. It's free, so you can take a quick tour and then move right along without feeling like you have to stay a long time to get your money's worth. There's a simulated Trapper's Cabin, so you can feel just like you're in Dad's shed (minus the stench) in the heart of the city.

Then we walked (yes, we got lots of exercise!) back to the Flying Fish for lunch. Ashley spent most of the walk back - and part of lunch - asleep in her stroller. After we were fed and rested, we took the kids to play in the sprinklers at Peabody Park. Even though the water was freezing, I think they could have stayed there all day. 
Lastly, we had the Stacys and the Woodards (that still sounds weird) over for lunch today. The Stacys were in the state for Josh's cousin's wedding, so we saw them briefly today. Stephanie and Isaac came over with little Piper. We all enjoyed meeting her, especially Ashley. I cannot say that the feeling was mutual for Piper. Each time Ashley held her for a picture, she started crying. Brandon and KK are going to be here for a couple of weeks, so I'm sure there will be pics of them to follow. 

That is entirely too much stuff to do in one day. Just reading it wore me out!!!!!!!!Maybe when I'm there in a few weeks we could do some of that stretchec out over a four day span!