I can't remember who first said that to me, but it is kind of my mantra. That being said, I cannot believe that kindergarten is almost over! It seems like only a couple of months ago that I was lamenting sending my baby off to school, and now his last day is tomorrow. I got some pictures from the school year sent home in his backpack today. It is funny that in so many pictures that we have taken this year Nathan is wearing his blue Fulbright shirt, and I'm in my red scrubs. On the days that Ashley wore her green 2nd Pres shirt, we looked like a bunch of Crayolas!

Here's Nate with his two best buddies from this year - Carter and Luke. They had their on group of kindergartners called "The Boys Team" that included these three, about 4 other boys, and one girl named Chloe. It has been a great year, and I can only hope that 1st grade will be as good.