Ashley had a special day on Monday. First, Fisch picked her up from school early and took her to Purple Cow for lunch. They even made a special purple shake for her with whipped cream, sprinkles, and a candle to blow out.

That evening, Meme and Pop came over to take us out to dinner. The birthday girl got to pick the restaurant. If it would have been Nathan's choice, we most certainly would have gone to McDonald's. Ashley has a little more taste when it comes to dining, so I was hoping she would say something like Jason's Deli. However, my newly 3-year-old daughter requested to go to the "fire restaurant" - translation: a Japanese steakhouse. Sweet choice!
Ashley with Meme and Pop
Jeff and Ashley
Nathan and Meme (Notice that he gave Phyllis his rubber-banded chopsticks.)
Even though she chose the "fire restaurant", Ashley was still scared when they actually made the fire.
But a little dessert made everything better!
Happy Birthday Ashley! We love you! love the Stacys