While I hate to admit it, we watch a lot of reality TV around here - Survivor, The Amazing Race, anything Duggar, Jon & Kate Plus 8, American Idol, etc. Last season, Nathan got hooked on Survivor, and now he's obsessed with The Amazing Race. In fact, he wasn't home on Sunday night, so he made sure that I recorded it so he could watch it when he got home. He knows the names of the players and has his own favorites (Tammy and Victor - Boo! Hiss!)
Now with UCA student Kris Allen doing so well on American Idol, we're not only watching but we're voting! It's out of control! Does anyone know of a 12-step program for reality TV addicts? Maybe I need to join, but first I'm going to go see who got kicked off of Dancing with the Stars...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Spring Break Pics
I tried to include detailed captions with this slideshow, but it didn't work. Click here if you want to see them.
Spring Break 2009
One of the perks of academia is that Jeff now gets a Spring Break! Fortunately, it has been the same week as the kids' for the last 2 years. Since we don't usually take a big trip during the spring, Jeff started the tradition last year of doing something fun for the kids every day of Spring Break.
Monday - Jeff took Nathan and Ashley to the Museum of Discovery and on a picnic at the park downtown.
Tuesday - He took them to Chuck E. Cheese for two hours! He did not take any pictures because he said keeping up with the camera was like having a third child.
Wednesday - I started my Spring Break. (Yea!) That evening, Jennifer and the boys came to town, and we went bowling. It was the first time for all the kids except Nathan.
Thursday - We went to the Crater of Diamonds in Murfreesboro. It rained a lot on Wednesday night, so we knew that it would be muddy (maybe a good time to find diamonds) and thought that we were prepared. Oh, we were not! The field, make that swamp, was the full of the stickiest, nastiest mud that I have ever been in. We couldn't even walk with out nearly pulling our shoes/boots off! As predicted, Nathan LOVED it, and Ashley did not! Ashley was good though. She sat on jacket on the ground and played with a shovel for the longest time. We did not find any diamonds, but I did have a near miss. The expert had to look at it under a microscope to determine that it was quartz.
Friday - After spending the night in Hot Springs, the Fowlkes headed home, and we spent the day riding go karts, playing mini golf, and eating at Doe's on the lake.
We had a good but busy break. At least it's only Friday, so we have the weekend to relax and recover!
Monday - Jeff took Nathan and Ashley to the Museum of Discovery and on a picnic at the park downtown.
Tuesday - He took them to Chuck E. Cheese for two hours! He did not take any pictures because he said keeping up with the camera was like having a third child.
Wednesday - I started my Spring Break. (Yea!) That evening, Jennifer and the boys came to town, and we went bowling. It was the first time for all the kids except Nathan.
Thursday - We went to the Crater of Diamonds in Murfreesboro. It rained a lot on Wednesday night, so we knew that it would be muddy (maybe a good time to find diamonds) and thought that we were prepared. Oh, we were not! The field, make that swamp, was the full of the stickiest, nastiest mud that I have ever been in. We couldn't even walk with out nearly pulling our shoes/boots off! As predicted, Nathan LOVED it, and Ashley did not! Ashley was good though. She sat on jacket on the ground and played with a shovel for the longest time. We did not find any diamonds, but I did have a near miss. The expert had to look at it under a microscope to determine that it was quartz.
Friday - After spending the night in Hot Springs, the Fowlkes headed home, and we spent the day riding go karts, playing mini golf, and eating at Doe's on the lake.
We had a good but busy break. At least it's only Friday, so we have the weekend to relax and recover!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Flat Nathan
After we did the Flat Brandon/Mikayla projects, Nathan wanted to do one of himself. We made Flat Nathan a few weeks ago and sent him with Fisch and Papa on his first adventure. Since then, he's been to PA and is on his way to FL. In all of my spare time, I have started a blog for Flat Nathan. The posts will probably be very sporadic, but I wanted to keep all his pictures together so I can print it off for him (the real Nathan, that is) someday. I have included an address list with Flat Nathan, so don't be surprised if he shows up in your mailbox!

Flat Nathan in Bass Pro Shop - one of the many pictures from his first adventure.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Strawberry Shortcake
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Nathan has lost both of his bottom front teeth and has been working on getting one of the top front teeth out for over a month. He finally decided that tonight was the night and pulled it himself! I caught the whole thing on video, but decided not to post it...it's a little gross. Pictures to follow.
Here's one from Ashley's party...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thanks for all the prayers
I just wanted to let everyone know that KK is done with her antibiotics and her lungs are clear!! Thanks so much for all the prayers and phone calls. We love you all so much.
Monday, March 16, 2009
3 Years Old
Ashley had a special day on Monday. First, Fisch picked her up from school early and took her to Purple Cow for lunch. They even made a special purple shake for her with whipped cream, sprinkles, and a candle to blow out.

That evening, Meme and Pop came over to take us out to dinner. The birthday girl got to pick the restaurant. If it would have been Nathan's choice, we most certainly would have gone to McDonald's. Ashley has a little more taste when it comes to dining, so I was hoping she would say something like Jason's Deli. However, my newly 3-year-old daughter requested to go to the "fire restaurant" - translation: a Japanese steakhouse. Sweet choice!
Ashley with Meme and Pop
Jeff and Ashley
Nathan and Meme (Notice that he gave Phyllis his rubber-banded chopsticks.)
Even though she chose the "fire restaurant", Ashley was still scared when they actually made the fire.
But a little dessert made everything better!
Answered Prayer
Thanks for all the prayers for Phyllis. Her scan results came back today and showed no signs of other tumors. She will have to follow-up in few months, but they are not planning to do any chemo. Thanks for all the calls and prayers.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Three...it's the new two.
It's hard to believe that my baby is going to be three years old tomorrow! It was hard the first time around when Nathan reached different milestones, but this time, it is even worse. Jeff brought Ashley to me tonight while I was vacuuming to give me her last 2-year-old kiss before he put her to bed. I started tearing up a little as I was pushing the vacuum.
I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the terrible 3's (which in my opinion are much worse than the terrible 2's!) Ashley is fiercely independent, and we butt heads on a regular basis already. But at other times, she makes up for it by being very sweet. It reminds me of that poem:
I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the terrible 3's (which in my opinion are much worse than the terrible 2's!) Ashley is fiercely independent, and we butt heads on a regular basis already. But at other times, she makes up for it by being very sweet. It reminds me of that poem:
There was a little girl and she had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead;We spent the weekend in Fort Smith with the Leslies (Bill, Brenda, Brooke, Riley, and Brynn). It was so good to spend time with old friends - and new friends - little Brynn (born 6 months ago, 10 weeks prematurely) is doing great. Ashley loved "helping" with changing and feeding a real baby. Nathan and Riley (almost 4), played really well together. We spent most of the weekend reminiscing about the good times we've had and planning adventures to come. Thanks again, Bill and Brenda, for having us.
When she was good, she was very, very, good, but when she was bad, she was horrid!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm still here.............
I know I haven't blogged in a long time, but I'm still here. Coupled with the remodeling project in February when I had house guests about 14-15 days out of the month, sick kids and now a new computer blogging hasn't been too high on my priority list (obviously). All is well in PA. We have had some spring like days which have been good for my soul. Church is going well. I wanted to put some pics on the blog, but all of my pics are on the desk top which is now at the church in Aaron's new office. Which BTW I love him having his office at the church. It's very quiet around here in the afternoons when both of the little ones are sleeping :). Speaking of sleep, I think I'll go upstairs and take a nap until J gets home from school. Just wanted to let you know all is well and I'm still here...............
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hidden Blessing
I just wanted to give an update on what's been going on here.
On Saturday Mikayla started running a high fever and throwing up. Not a fun way to spend the weekend, but it's Mikayla so random illnesses are pretty "run-of-the-mill". However when her fever shot back up last night I decided it had gone on too long so today I took her to the Doctor.
After 2 1/2 hrs and $ 152 (doctor and meds with no insurance) we are happy to report that she has bronchitis and just a touch of pneumonia. We consider this a huge blessing because 1) We caught the pneumonia early 2)The Dr. realized that even though she was not too sick she needed a good strong antibiotic (many doctors insist on trying Augumentin(sp?) first) and 3) it is MARCH 10th, and this is the FIRST time she has been really sick all winter!!
I just wanted to share so that everyone would keep Mikayla in their prayers and to say thank you for all the prayers for her all winter. God has really kept our girl safe and healthy and we want to give praise for his blessings even the ones that come in unusual ways.
On Saturday Mikayla started running a high fever and throwing up. Not a fun way to spend the weekend, but it's Mikayla so random illnesses are pretty "run-of-the-mill". However when her fever shot back up last night I decided it had gone on too long so today I took her to the Doctor.
After 2 1/2 hrs and $ 152 (doctor and meds with no insurance) we are happy to report that she has bronchitis and just a touch of pneumonia. We consider this a huge blessing because 1) We caught the pneumonia early 2)The Dr. realized that even though she was not too sick she needed a good strong antibiotic (many doctors insist on trying Augumentin(sp?) first) and 3) it is MARCH 10th, and this is the FIRST time she has been really sick all winter!!
I just wanted to share so that everyone would keep Mikayla in their prayers and to say thank you for all the prayers for her all winter. God has really kept our girl safe and healthy and we want to give praise for his blessings even the ones that come in unusual ways.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Working like a dog
If it seems that I've dropped off of the face of the planet this week, it's because I have been working all week! I worked full days at my regular job Mon-Thurs, and then last night covered someone else's night at the free clinic. We didn't get finished until 10:30, which made for a 14 1/2 hour day for me! So, I took the day off today. I didn't get to sleep in, but I did send both kids to school and had a little down time. The long day yesterday has caught up to me this evening. I have already suggested to Jeff that we "spring forward" tonight and put the kids to bed early.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Snow in Arkansas!
It finally snowed in LR this year! Only a measly 1/2", but we'll take it. (Other parts of the state got 12"!!!) Nathan called Jeremiah to tell him that it was snowing, and he was very unimpressed. It's snowed nearly every week for months in PA!
We went to see Wayne and Phyllis last night. She is doing much better. Thanks for all the prayers and phone calls. Her oncologist has ordered one more test, and if it is negative, she won't have to have any follow-up treatments. Please keep praying for her.
While I'm listing prayer requests, I would like to mention that today is the first service for LifePoint in their new building. I hope that everything goes well for them. Aaron and Renee have been putting in a LOT of time and energy to make this happen.
We went to see Wayne and Phyllis last night. She is doing much better. Thanks for all the prayers and phone calls. Her oncologist has ordered one more test, and if it is negative, she won't have to have any follow-up treatments. Please keep praying for her.
While I'm listing prayer requests, I would like to mention that today is the first service for LifePoint in their new building. I hope that everything goes well for them. Aaron and Renee have been putting in a LOT of time and energy to make this happen.
Flat Mikayla
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