Friday, December 12, 2008

Blogging is HARD WORK!

Just so we are all clear, Racheal and Renee (and any other mother who blogs) are super moms! I just can not figure out how you can find the time to do this so much. We did some stuff last weekend that I knew going into I wanted to blog about and I'm just now finding time to turn on the computer. I'm typing in the dark because my kids finally feel asleep, in my bed. I have a sink full of dirty dishes, a ton of laundry waiting to be folded, and way too many Christmas/Birthday gifts in need of wrapping. But, I figured if I did not get on the computer soon I might forget how, so Hello everybody!


  1. What's more important: (1) sharing cute pictures and stories about your children with your family that lives 1000+ miles away OR (2) a clean house? I usually just ignore the dirty dishes and laundry!

  2. Amanda-I'm with you. I have trouble deciding which is more important:walking on the treadmill, paying bills, making phone calls or blogging. Quiet time is so limited around here. It's hard! That's why I'm blogalemic.
