This is the actual color of the cupcake (yes, cupcake) batter that I made following one of the DD recipes. So far, I have made several of the main dish and side dish recipes. Overall, they have been pretty good. I have found that adding some of the vegetable purees that it suggests to the foods I ordinarily cook to be very successful (i.e. cauliflower in the scrambled eggs and squash in the boxed macaroni and cheese). Today is my first attempt at a vegetable-laden dessert. This morning I thumbed through the cookbook and decided to make the "Blueberry Cheesecake Cupcakes". It sounded good. I will give you a report on how they turn out. I added some food coloring after I took this picture to try to make the batter resemble something blueberry flavored.
To quote Nathan regarding the finished product: "It looks disgusting, but it tastes pretty good." I can't believe they even tried them. Some things are just not meant to be health food!