In my opinion, Toy Story is one of the greatest children's movies ever made. Both the original movie and the sequel should be required viewing for all parents - especially the parents of little boys. Buzz Lightyear was the object of Nathan's obsession from age 2 to approx. age 5, and I was a little sad when he stopped playing with his Buzz(es) and Woody on a regular basis.
However, Ashley has now started playing with them pretty often. It's funny to see how differently a little girl plays with the same toys that her big brother once played with. For Nathan, it was usually some intergalactic showdown between the space rangers and the cowboy. But when Ashley plays, Buzz and Woody are either her babies or students in her Sunday School class. This morning they got in trouble because they were not listening when she "read" the Bible to them. Here's a picture from last week of her setting up a game of Hi Ho Cherry-O for the four of us. Too cute!
However, Ashley has now started playing with them pretty often. It's funny to see how differently a little girl plays with the same toys that her big brother once played with. For Nathan, it was usually some intergalactic showdown between the space rangers and the cowboy. But when Ashley plays, Buzz and Woody are either her babies or students in her Sunday School class. This morning they got in trouble because they were not listening when she "read" the Bible to them. Here's a picture from last week of her setting up a game of Hi Ho Cherry-O for the four of us. Too cute!

Speaking of Woody, I don't think that I ever posted this pic from Disney World. The quality is not great, but it was one of my favorite shots from the whole trip. During one of the Magic Kingdom parades, Woody came over to us to give Ashley a kiss on the hand. Again, too cute!