Saturday, January 30, 2010

Block Party

Everyone on our street was out sledding today. One family even walked over from a neighboring, flat subdivision. They had a "real" sled - wooden with metal blades and steering system. Jeff and Nathan took a turn on it and were hooked. I bet that we will have one of our own before the next ice storm hits.

This guy showed up a few minutes ago and ruined all our fun. Actually, the ice had already started to melt a little, so I doubt we would have had much left. For me, this was the perfect snow/ice combo, and it lasted just long enough to enjoy it without being too much of a nuisance.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Day! (well, sort of)

It's hard to believe that earlier this week, Nathan was wearing flip flops and today they had a "snow day". It was actually just another "ice day". We have just started to get snow late this evening, but we have a lot of accumulated sleet. I went to work early this morning and left at noon. The roads were just starting to get bad as I made my way home.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: our driveway may not be good for much, but it is excellent for sledding! Debbie bought the kids these flimsy plastic sleds last year at the end of the season, and they were perfect! If you can imagine sliding down our hill on a giant version of one of those flexible plastic cutting boards, then you would get the idea. Of course, Jeff and I got in on the action. We did pretty well except for the time that I ended up on my backside paralyzed with laughter in the neighbor's yard. ; )

Safety first! Jeff made sure that we wore helmets.
Ashley decided that sledding was more of a spectator sport!

Prepping for the Pinewood

Nathan's Cub Scout Pack was supposed to participate in the Pinewood Derby tomorrow. It has been postponed for a week due to the ice storm, so that gives this procrastinating bunch another excuse to put off finishing Nate's car.
If you are not familiar with the Pinewood Derby, here's a summary: (1) Each kid gets a block of wood and 4 regulation tires and axles, (2) you fashion it into some type of car following strict regulations regarding length, weight, etc. (I'm sure they will run the gamut from finely crafted machines to painted blocks of wood!), and (3) all the Scouts meet on a Saturday for the big race on a sloped track. I don't know if they compete individually against the clock or multiple cars at a time.
Jeff and Nathan went last weekend to Wayne's shop to work on the car. Apparently, Nathan was very involved in the whole process operating the saw, power tools, and everything!

This is our first race, but I hear from the veterans that weight is the most important factor. Being the biggest geek in the family and having access to the most precise equipment, I took the car to work and weighed it on an analytical balance. It cannot exceed 5 oz. (that's approx. 141.8 grams for you non-geeks). As you can see, ours needed a little more weight.
In other Scouting news, Nate's group (I can't ever remember if it's called a "pack" or a "den") went to the fire station on Sunday. As you might gather from the picture, they are quite a rowdy crew.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Winter Wrap-Up

I know winter's not really over, but it sure seems that way. It's been nearly 70 degrees here this week! Surely there is more winter yet to come, but I had some random pictures that I haven't posted and couldn't come up with anything better to call them.

First, some pictures of the kids at church the Sunday before Christmas:

I also ran across these cute pictures of Ashley and Lydia at Jenna's birthday party. Neither of my kids had been roller skating before.

Lastly, I thought I would put some pictures from last weekend up. Apparently the MLK holiday is now a 4-day weekend for LRSD. No complaints here! We decided to get out of town for a couple of days, so we went to Tulsa on Saturday and Sunday. I've been through Oklahoma several times, but never to Oklahoma for any specific reason.
We went to Tulsa to go to the zoo, but since it was overcast and cold on Sunday morning, we started our day at the Oklahoma Aquarium. Ashley was particularly grumpy at the aquarium. I think it was because she was scared. She wouldn't touch anything in the hands-on displays. The only thing she liked were the turtles. Nate, however, loved everything - especially the sharks!

It was still chilly that afternoon, but we went to the zoo anyway. It wasn't the best zoo I'd ever been to, but it was okay. Plus, they have half-price admission in January and February, so it was only $12 for our whole family.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Definition of "Kemosabe"

If you somehow missed my e-mail blitz or Facebook note last week, here's a recap:

As many of you know, our friend Jessica Flanagan was diagnosed with breast cancer late last year. Fortunately, her cancer was caught early. She had a successful surgery and has just started chemotherapy. We wanted to show our love and support for Jessica and raise money for breast cancer research by participating in the 2010 Ozark Race for the Cure 5k Run/Walk. It will be on Saturday, April 24, in Fayetteville. I would like to invite all the ladies that might read this to join our team "Jessica's Chemo Sabes" for the race. Click here to see the team page. You can get more information, register, or donate. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Copied from

Main Entry: kemosabe
Part of Speech: n
Definition: faithful friend
Etymology: has various meanings in Native American language
Usage: used this way in "The Lone Ranger' television show

Monday, January 4, 2010

Brandon, KayKay, and Chuck E.

Brandon and Mikayla spent the week after Christmas in Arkansas. Josh's parents drove to Atlanta - yes, that's the halfway point! - to pick them up the day after Christmas, and Mom drove them back on Saturday.

We met up with them on Wednesday night at Chuck E. Cheese where they made the mid-week grandparent switch.

We then spent the night with them on Thursday at Mom and Dad's. All the kids stayed up to ring in the New Year...well, sort of. The clocks in the living room read "12:00" because Mom and I had secretly moved them forward. Our 2010 started at about 9:45pm which is still pretty late to stay up with four kids!
Before they left, I had Jeff pick up a half gallon of Benton's finest to send to Amanda:
If you're not from Saline County (or even if you are), you might not understand Amanda's and my love of the Mama B's tea. It's only sold at one of Benton's landmark institutions...the KFC on Military Road. Feel free to leave any redneck comments, but I'm telling you, this stuff is addictive! Renee and Jeff both think it's disgusting, but I will drive-thru just for the tea.

No school? Really?

I really believe that Central AR repels snow. We finally got a little here yesterday, but not the inches that fell elsewhere in the state. However, school is closed. Nate's not up yet, but he will be thrilled! It was supposed to be the first day back. Jeff was supposed to be working on his dissertation this week. Uh-oh! Looks like he's the stay-at-home dad for at least one more day!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Liberrrrrrrty Bowl

We called the Hogs in below freezing temps in Memphis last night. It was 27 degrees when we got back in the car! It was nice to get away for the weekend with good friends and no kids.