Seven years ago today, Jeremiah was born. I've been thinking about that fall a lot today. It was such a special time for our family, and I'm am so thankful that we all got to go through it together. Just to recap...
In March(
ish) of 2002, I called Amanda and told her that she was going to be an aunt. She said, "So are you!" She was a little further along than I was, so we were due about a month apart. Just a month later, Renee found out that she was also pregnant!!! She was due a month after me. People asked if we planned it, but how could you really plan that.
Brandon was obstinate from birth and was induced around 42 weeks on October 15, 2002. He was born in
Jonesboro, and we all got to be there for the big day. You should have seen the look on the nurses faces when all three of us (hugely pregnant!) walked up to the nurses' station late that night when Amanda was admitted!
Brandon was born on a Tuesday. I left
Jonesboro on Wednesday to come back to LR. I was still 2 weeks from my due date. Dad also left to go back to work in Missouri. Imagine all of our surprise when I went into labor on Friday morning. Dad rushed back to Arkansas (I still don't want to know how fast he was driving!), and Amanda literally checked out of the hospital and headed to LR. I was in labor all day and into the night. Finally, Jeff got to say, "It's a boy!" around 10:30pm. Thanks to everyone who toughed it out with me and stayed to meet Nathan.

Two down, one to go. About a month later, Jeremiah arrived on November 20th and completed the threesome that changed our lives forever.

Jeremiah, Nathan, and Brandon Happy Birthday,
JJ! Hope the next 7 years are as good as the first 7!