Saturday, January 31, 2009
25 Random Things about Racheal
1. I love making lists.
2. I do not wear flip flops – ever.
3. I can sing the 50 states in alphabetical order.
4. I want to see the world. So far, I have been to 26 states and 9 countries. (Airports do NOT count.)
5. I have a scar beside each of my eyes. One is from tripping on the step in our first house, and the other is from a waterslide injury.
6. I can crack open sunflower seeds at an impressive rate.
7. When I was little, I wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy asking for her autograph as proof of her existence. My mom still has it.
8. I won the 5th Grade Spelling Bee.
9. My hair is naturally wavy.
10. I have an uncanny ability to find four-leaf clovers.
11. I also have a weird ability to remember people’s birthdates. (Unfortunately, I am not so good at mailing birthday cards.)
12. I just started wearing eyeliner at age 32.
13. I have the best proposal story ever.
14. I don’t think that spouses should canoe together. My worst fight with Jeff in 10 years of marriage started in a canoe.
15. I have spent a total of 29 hours in labor birthing my 2 children.
16. I get my best parenting advice from the Berenstain Bear books. Mama Bear rocks!
17. I am a poor loser – and a worse winner.
18. Some of my fondest memories from childhood are picking blackberries and strawberries with my Granny.
19. I share a blog with my sisters, but I do most of the work.
20. I love sending out Christmas cards and wrapping presents.
21. I cannot stand to have split ends.
22. I am in charge of making the dressing every year for Thanksgiving. (Actually, for Thanksgiving Eve – we celebrate on Wednesday night.)
23. I love my children more than anything in this world, but I would probably go insane if I were home with them all the time!
24. If I were to give up pharmacy, I would probably make cupcakes for a living.
25. I really think that I could survive on a deserted island with a Swiss Army knife, a deck of cards, and a stash of chocolate.
So, Renee and Amanda, consider yourselves tagged.
Where is Mandi!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Duggar Wedding
For all my fellow Duggar-lovers (you know who you are), I felt the need to comment on last night's show. Just in case you missed it, Josh (the oldest Duggar) got married. My DVR did not record the 8:00 showing, but of course, TLC showed it again at 11:00. Yes, I stayed up until midnight watching the Duggars. Don't judge me!
Most of the show was exactly what you would expect, however, there were a few surprises. First, I was totally grossed out by the two women making the chicken salad for the reception with their bare hands! I mean, they were up to their elbows in it! Secondly, since I was watching Live TV (ugh!), I caught a commercial for Plan B contraception advertised. Very un-Duggar. I know it's a forgone conclusion that the new Duggar couple wouldn't use any birth control, but I was surprised that they included "letting God decide how and when they would have children" in their vows.
Lastly, I was not prepared for the groom serenade. I really wasn't expecting that, but it was pretty much the perfect ending to a very Duggar affair.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
It's hard to remain anonymous
I have been helping lead a small group of teenage girls at church for about a year now. Their only forms of communication are texting and Facebook. Long story short, I joined Facebook, but I have been trying to remain anonymous (funny, I know since it's a social network) for several reasons:
- I think that I'm too old for it.
- The bad grammar (both texting and on Facebook) kills me!
- I've heard several people tell stories of how they have accidentally sent out "Friend Requests" to everyone whom they've ever sent an e-mail.
- Let's be honest, I just don't like socializing that much.
I have really only been using it to communicate with the girls, and I often get "Friend Requests" from random teenagers they know. I have been denying them, but in the last couple of weeks, I have gotten "Friend Requests" from some of my actual friends. At first, my only "Friends" were a dozen teenage girls and Tyler.
So, I'm trying to embrace Facebook. I already have 3 e-mail accounts (work, home, and junk) and my blog, so I'm not sure how often I will check it, but if you want still want to be my "Friend" after my bulleted rant, feel free to send me a request. :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Winter Playdates
What else do you do with SO MUCH SNOW?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Who in the heck is Antwan?
My Peanut Butter Sandwich Story

Sunday, January 18, 2009
No more running on the treadmill.... Dr.'s orders
This really sucks!!Here I am trying to get healthy and exercise three times a week (which I've been doing for almost five months now-I have to brag a little because I was so proud of myself) and now I can't. She said I could do low impact exercises walking is fine, just not on the treadmill for a while or do the elliptical (which I don't have one) So basically I'm just frustrated about the whole situation. Not just the inconvenience of P.T., I feel like I'm going to lose my momentum.
Alberta Clipper
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Mommy's Makeup
Mount Magazine
Sunset at the Lodge
Water slide at the pool